What Your Gift Can Do

The School of Communication relies on private support to fulfill our mission of providing quality graduate and undergraduate communication in the field of human communication. Click the “Give Now” link below to make a gift to the School of Communication or choose from one of our programs below.


Your generous gift can support:

  • Aztec Forensics: Aztec Forensics is SDSU’s intercollegiate speech and debate team – it represents a tradition of over 50 years of excellence. Contributions to this program support squad development, including travel, recruitment and scholarships.
    Make a gift to Aztec Forensics
  • The Paul J. Gaske Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship has been established to honor SDSU graduate, faculty member, debate coach, and loyal friend of the Aztecs, Dr. Paul Gaske. The scholarship supports an active member of the debate team.
    Make a gift to the Gaske Scholarship
  • School of Communication Director's Drive for Excellence Fund: Provides funds to enhance the student experience, attract and maintain expert faculty, support graduate student excellence, fund innovative research and provide overall enrichment for the School.
    Make a gift to the Director’s Fund
  • William Snavely Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship: Dr. William Snavely was a Professor of Communication and Director of the School of Communication from 2007-2017. The goal of the program is to enhance students' global understanding. The scholarship was established to help students who are financially challenged reach their ability to travel and study abroad.
    Make a gift to the Snavely Scholarship
  • Center for Communication, Health, & the Public Good: is an innovative hub for investigating critical relationships between communication and health that shape the human social condition in contemporary society.
    Make a gift to the CCHPG
  • Institute for Dialogue and Social Justice currently has three initiatives that encompass a variety of existing and planned collaborative activities:
    1. Criminal & Restorative Justice Community Engagement
    2. Campus Awareness of Social Justice
    3. Cultural Wealth & Cultivating Cultural Competence
    These initiatives reflect the strengths and contributions of SDSU faculty and students as well as established collaborations between the university and community organizations.
    Make a gift to the IDSJ
  • Center for Media and Performance: is an interdisciplinary forum for critical inquiry into the many expressions of live art and screen culture.
    Make a gift to the Center for Media and Performance
  • Major Gifts: If you are interested in making a major gift to the School of Communication, please contact the Dean’s Office directly. See contact information below. A major gift may include naming opportunities.

We gratefully accept gifts of all sizes. Please make your check payable to “The Campanile Foundation” and mail to the attention of:

Development Office – Communication
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-4512

Gifts can also be made through SDSU’s secure online giving system (see links above). Please specify that you wish to direct your donation to the School of Communication. If you have any questions, wish to discuss major gifts, or wish to make a donation via telephone, please contact: