Dr. Lourdes Martinez: Research Projects

Santiago, J. E., Record, R. A., & Martinez, L. (2020).   "Messages from near or far: A targeted nutritional message design experiment"
Poster presented at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication. Lexington, KY..

Martinez, L., Navarrete, R., Hughes, S., Walsh-Buhi, E., & Tsou, M.-H. (2020).   "E-cigarettes and vape gods: An analysis of robot accounts on Twitter"
Paper accepted for presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual meeting, Gold Coast, AU.

Martinez, L.S., Reno, J., Deal, B.E. (2019).   "Differences in human papillomavirus virus (HPV) knowledge and awareness: Comparing self, surrogate, and mutual health information seekers"
Poster presented at the HINTS Data Users Conference, Bethesda, MD and paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual meeting, Washington, DC..

Deal‡, B. E., Martinez, L., Spitzberg, B. H., & Tsou, M-H. (2019).   "I definitely did not report it when I was raped…#WeBelieveChristine #Me Too”: A content analysis of disclosures of sexual assault on Twitter"
Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Baltimore, MD. Bonnie Deal, graduate student, conducted a quantitative analysis of tweets about sexual assault disclosure. .

Harrer‡, H. M., Spitzberg, B. H., Martinez, L., & Roesch, S. (2019).   "IMPACCTS©: The development of the Interactive Media Package for the Assessment of Communication and Critical Thinking¬ Short version"
Top three19 paper presented at the Western States Communication Association, Seattle, WA. Hannah Harrer, graduate student, conducted her thesis as a psychometric analysis to produce a short-version of the IMPACCT assessment of student communication competence. Awarded Top Paper in Communication and Instruction Division..

Martinez, L.S., Hughes, S., Walsh-Buhi, E., Tsou, M. H. (2018).   ""Okay, we get it. You vape": An analysis of content, context, and sentiment regarding e-cigarettes on twitter" Journal of Health Communication, 23(6), 550-562
Journal Rank: 27/293; Acceptance Rate: 15-20%; Impact Factor: 1.87; H-Index: 64 Contributions: Analysis and manuscript writing..

Martinez, L. S., Tan, A., Lewis, N., Santiago, J.E., & Woo, N.T. (2018).   "A narrative review of information engagement and social networking sites research"
Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual meeting, Prague, CZ..

Oren, E., Purnajo, I., Martinez, L., Islam, T., Hensley, R.E., Jain, P., Nara, A., Tsou, M.H. (2018).   "Using social media to complement Hepatitis A outbreak efforts"
Presentation at the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA..

Martinez, L.S., Hensley, R.E., Tsou, M.H., Jung, C.T. (2018).   "Conversations with advocates of e-cigarettes"
Paper presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT and poster presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA..

Hensley, R.E. & Martinez, L. (2018).   "Why do you (un)friend? Motivations for friending and unfriending others on Facebook"
Paper presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT..

Lewis, N., Martinez, L.S., Carmel, O. (2017).   "Measures of information seeking: A validation study in the context of drug use behaviors" Communication Methods and Measures, 4(11), 266-288
Journal Rank: 31/293; Acceptance Rate: <35%; Impact Factor: 1.13; H-Index: 13 Contributions: Conceptualization, data collection, and manuscript writing.

Meng, J., Martinez, L., Holmstrom, A.J., Cox, J., Chung, M. (2017).   "Research on social networking sites and social support from 2004 to 2015: A narrative review and directions for future research" Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 20(1), 44-51.
Journal Rank: 22/293; Acceptance Rate: <15%; Impact Factor: 2.19; H-Index: 106 Contributions: Conceptualization, data collection, analysis, and manuscript writing..

Cheng, Y., Ahn, J., Lewis, N., & Martinez, L. (2017).   "A cross-comparative survey of information seeking and scanning about drug-related sources and topics among US and Israeli college students" Journal of Health Communication, 22(8), 692-701.
Journal Rank: 27/293; Acceptance Rate: 15-20%; Impact Factor: 1.87; H-Index: 64 Contributions: Conceptualization, data collection, and manuscript writing (student-led paper)..

Lewis, N., Martinez, L.S., Carmel, O. (2017).   "Measures of information seeking: A validation study in the context of drug use behaviors"
Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA. .

Martinez, L.S., Spitzberg, B., Tsou, M., Issa, E., & Peddecord, M. (2017).   "Vax populi: The social [media] (de)construction of public health policy"
Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA..

Ede, A., Feltz, D.L., Martinez, L.S., Neal, J.W., Smith, A.L. (2017).   "Predictors of friendship between exercisers and their personal trainers"
Poster presented at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA..

Christerson, K., Spitzberg, B., & Martinez, L. (2017).   "Organizing persuasive appeals for organ donation: A study of evidence and prospect effects on organ donation"
Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA..

Martinez, L.S., Hugh, S., Buhi, E. (2017).   "“Okay, we get it. You vape”: An analysis of content, context, and sentiment regarding e-cigarettes on twitter."
Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA..

Martinez, L.S., Record, R., Silberman, W., Wehlage, S., Kaiser, E. (2016).   "Run the risk or take a chance? Comparing effects of probabilistic frames on behavioral intention."
Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Applied Communication Division, Philadelphia, PA..