Dr. Susan Hellweg

Professor Emerita
School of Communication
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Primary Email: [email protected]
Dr. Susan Hellweg is retired Professor Emeritus in the School of Communication. After teaching at San Diego State University for 35 years, she retired from full-time teaching responsibilities in the Spring of 2014. Her research and teaching areas include organizational communication, political communication, and instructional communication. She earned her Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Southern California in 1977; her master’s degree in Behavioral Science from California State University, Dominguez Hills in 1974; and her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1972. Dr. Hellweg has approximately 40 publications and 80 scholarly convention papers to her credit and has served in a number of official capacities in scholarly associations. She has directed approximately 50 master’s theses in the School. She retired as a Commander from the U. S. Naval Reserve as a Public Affairs Officer in 1997. Her outside interests include travel, photography, and spectator sports. Although she has retired, Dr. Hellweg will be back with us to teach her popular graduate seminar in the spring of 2017.