Dr. Myron Lustig

Professor Emeritus
School of Communication
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Primary Email: [email protected]
Dr. Myron W. (Ron) Lustig is a teacher, writer, scholar, and researcher. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, he had a distinguished career as a professor of communication at San Diego State University (SDSU). He is now an emeritus professor at SDSU, a past president of the Western States Communication Association (WSCA), and a recipient of WSCA’s Distinguished Service Award, its highest honor. He is a former editor of Communication Reports and is currently on the editorial boards of several intercultural communication journals. His teaching and research interests include intercultural, group, and interpersonal communication theories, methods, and processes. Dr. Lustig has written 10 books or book revisions, over 40 scholarly research articles, and over 70 conference papers. He has also gained additional practical and theoretical lessons about Intercultural Competence while teaching intercultural communication to undergraduate and graduate students at Shanghai International Studies University.