Forensics FAQ

No experience is necessary to join the SDSU Speech and Debate program. There are novice divisions for new members, as well as Varsity divisions for experienced competitors and our coaching staff is excited and more than qualified to help you at whatever level of experience you are at.
Students competing on the SDSU Speech & Debate program typically practice once a week (Mondays 7-9:40pm), attend coaching appointments for more individual work, and compete between three to five weekend tournaments per semester. 

Students can enroll in the Credit / No Credit COMM 301 Intercollegiate Speech and Debate Competition course offered in the School of Communication. The class is 1 credit, but can be taken for 3 credits with instructor permission with additional requirements. For 1 credit, students must attend weekly Monday night practices and weekly individual coaching sessions, prepare at least two events (students can choose from Debate or Individual Events), and participate in at least 1 tournament during the semester. For 3 credits, students must attend weekly Monday night practices and weekly individual coaching sessions, prepare at least two events (students can choose from Debate or Individual Events), and participate in at least 2 tournaments during the semester.

Students must be in good standing with SDSU, be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours, comply with SDSU’s Student Code of Conduct, and must be carrying at least a 2.5 GPA to compete with the program.

Students who are interested have multiple options to observe and even participate a bit before joining. Students can visit the coaching staff to ask questions (offices located in the Communication building on the 2nd floor next to the Office for the School of Communication), attend a practice (Monday’s 7-9:40pm COM206), observe at a tournament in the San DIego area, or watch some of the videos that we have on our page to see what we do. 

Scholarships are available to students who are currently enrolled at the university and are committed competitors. There are scholarships available for students of all majors. Because there are multiple scholarships, and each has its own requirements, please email John Loo, Interim Director of Speech and Debate for more information. [email protected]

SDSU Forensics is proud to be one of the few programs in the country that is a true Full Service Squad; meaning that we compete in all forms of Speech (Limited Prep, Platform, and Interpretive) and Debate (team and individual) events both at the Local and National Level. 

Forensics Tournaments take place both online and in person. They usually take place on the weekend at a college campus but can also happen both synchronously and asynchronously online. When we do travel we go all over San Diego and California. We also travel to various competitions across the country to locations such as Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland, and more. 

Contact John Loo, SDSU’s Interim Director of Forensics, by email at [email protected].

Forensics is also known as Competitive Speech and Debate where students prepare speeches and take them to tournaments where they compete against other students from different colleges and universities. Forensics has a little something for everyone; from acting and humorous speeches to informing or advocating for important issues. It also offers the opportunity to engage in debate on current events and philosophical concepts.

Students do not pay anything to participate on the team. SDSU Forensics is a Registered Student Organization in addition to being a program funded through the School of Communication and the University, meaning that this is a unique co-curricular opportunity that does not require the student to pay for participation. The team covers all tournament entry fees, transportation costs, boarding for travel, and a small stipend for meals when traveling overnight.