Hailea Stone

Headshot of Hailea  Stone

Competitive Experience: She has been in the forensics community for a hot minute and has competed in numerous events, including POE, PERS, DUO, ADS, INFO, etc. When she competed on the team, she earned multiple national titles, and was the President + Speech Captain of Individual Events for four years. Hailea also coached for the Argumentation Communication Leadership Academy (ACLA), and is the 2023-2024 Graduate Representative for NFA's National Council. 


Coaching Philosophy: If students are no longer having fun and only defining success based off of the amount of shiny trophies earned, they are missing the point of what forensics is all about. I strive to ensure every competitor feels as if they belong not only on the local and national circuit, but on our team. I hope to help students find their voice, share their truths, and turn their sparks into flames within and beyond the forensics community. Because watching students' blossom as they realize the power of forensics is what makes coaching worthwhile for me.

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